Silicon Studio Post Effect Middleware YEBIS Featured in Wizards of the Coast’s latest title “Magic Duels”.
Tokyo, Japan (September 2nd, 2015) Silicon Studio, pioneering middleware and games developer, announced their optical effects middleware, YEBIS technology, will be featured in the latest of the hit series by Wizards of the Coast, “Magic Duels”. “Magic Duels” is available now on Xbox One, Steam and the App Store. The Playstation 4 version will be released soon.

Screenshots of YEBIS post effects used in “Magic Duels”
※Game content is subject to change
“Implementing YEBIS has allowed us to improve the visuals throughout. Being able to carefully fine tune the post processing, gave our artists the ability to bring the UI and Gameplay to life. Focusing the player on what was most important on each screen and adding extra visual interest to the card interactions and combat effects throughout the game.”
Tom Darroch
Digital Art Director
YEBIS is the only post-effects middleware that is able to add various effects (glare, depth of field, color correction, spatial anti-aliasing etc.) using post-processing to produce photographic and CG real-time visuals. Implementation of YEBIS improves image quality and efficiency rates.
Magic Duels
Publisher | Wizards of the Coast |
Developer | Stainless Games |
Platforms | Currently available on Xbox One, App Store, Steam To be released on PlayStation®4 |
Official Website | |
Copyright | © 1995-2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
About Silicon Studio
Silicon Studio is a Japan-based game engine and middleware company providing quality rendering, optical effects, and the latest technology for game development. Silicon Studio also publishes games across mobile, PC and consoles, and develops games for third parties.
PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita, PlayStation®3, Xbox One, Xbox360®, Windows®(DirectX 9/10/11) , iOS, Android
Magic Duels Developed by Stainless Games . All rights reserved.
“YEBIS” is a trademark of Silicon Studio Corporation.
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