
Representation of diverse, high-quality textures

- Metal, plastic, wood, etc., with PBR express a variety of textures -

Mizuchi is a real-time rendering engine designed with the concept of physically based rendering as the foundation.
The system's impressive strength in expressive power of varied materials, such as metal, wood, glass, plastic, cloth and others, allows artists to present images as they are intended to be.
Additionally the intuitive material composition system excels at reproducing hard to properly represent qualities such as scratches and rust on materials.
Furthermore it is possible to reproduce complicated realistic human character components such as hair, skin, teeth, and clothing. Unlike other materials, these are multi-layered structures stacked with low transparency materials requiring proper exposure and emission of light.
Mizuchi rendering is able to accurately produce these effects, allowing for the creation of highly photo-realistic characters in real-time that can transcend the limits of the "uncanny valley".

Vividly enhance images with the power of light

- Through specialized lighting and lens/ film simulation tech, create natural-looking images -

Advanced lighting technology is essential when creating convincing natural and realistically represented images.
To accomplish this task, Mizuchi employs Silcion Studio's post-effects middleware software "YEBIS", bringing with it some of the latest and best lighting techniques available. From bokeh and glare to an array of lens simulations, conceive unparalleled visuals in real-time.
It also supports some "Enlighten", Real-Time Global Illumination technology, functionality, which can create scenes with the highest standard of dynamic lighting environment in the industry.

An authoring tool to drastically shorten production hours working with DCC tools

Utilizing the "Mizuchi Extension for Maya" authoring tool, which coordinates with designer’s favored DCC tool "Maya", all operations can be completed in "Maya", drastically cutting learning costs. Thus eliminating the hassle of sending/receiving data back and forth when switching tools. Corrective tasks can be considerably shortened and the overall working hours can be reduced.

Integrate into a variety of workflows

Mizuchi operates as an independent rendering function.
Mizuchi is provided as an SDK, allowing it to be flexible and easily incorporated in to a wide range of environments for various industries. If you are developing a game, simply replace the game engine's rendering system with Mizuchi. It's the same for video production. By switching the default renderer with Mizuchi, it's possible to produce quality images with a real-time workflow that meet and or exceed pre-rendered results.

Mizuchi - The Real-time Rendering Engine
Mizuchi - The Real-time Rendering Engine
Mizuchi - The Real-time Rendering Engine
Mizuchi - The Real-time Rendering Engine

Astoundingly light and fast rendering

Mizuchi was planned and designed with the intent of being used for video games, where rendering speed and drawing quality are essential.
Because of this design, real-time content created using Mizuchi can be operated at high speed regardless if the contents are games, video productions or interactive applications.

Adaptable and flexible real-time content production

Mizuchi is an extremely versatile product specializing in the highest quality rendering.
It can be used to produce a wide range of real-time content such as games, movies, animation, promotional content, interactive applications, product visualization, auto and architectural visualization, and much more.

Mizuchi Support & Custom Build

Silicon Studio provides support for custom builds as per client request. We can also provide development support for new technology, such as new BRDF shading models or wet surface shading.

Supported platforms

Nintendo Switch™、PlayStation®4、STADIA、Linux(OpenGL)、Windows(DirectX 11/12、OpenGL、Vulkan)、
Android(OpenGL ES3、Vulkan)、iOS(OpenGL ES3、Vulkan、Metal(TBA))

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